Physical Education

Lake Monger Primary School has a physical education teacher who delivers a comprehensive program, with emphasis on participation, skill development and sportsmanship.  Physical requirements of a fit and healthy body are taught through health studies, physical education and sporting activities. Many of these outcomes will be met by the programs of the Physical Education Specialist reinforced by teachers in relevant subject learning experiences. Lake Monger Primary School is an official SunSmart school. Children wear either a legionary wide brimmed or bucket hat and are encouraged to apply sunscreen prior to the beginning of the school day. Sunscreen is available for children to apply during outdoor sessions e.g. Phys Ed.

In-term swimming lessons are organised each year for Pre Primary to Year 6.

Children are encouraged to wear coloured faction T shirts (available from the Uniform Shop) on days for organised Sporting events as well as every Thursday for Faction T shirt Thursday.