Dear Parent, Students and Community Members
Last week we celebrated STEM Week. STEM Week included class activities, buddy class activities, the Thinkers Club activity and a Pre Primary – Year 6 activity – making musical instruments from recycled materials. Please see below for some of the class and buddy class activities the children were involved during STEM Week.
Pre Primary Red and Year 3 Teal
The children were challenged to see who could build the longest pa- per chain using one piece of A4 coloured paper, scissors and glue. Also, using pic collage the children made a poster with an Australian theme.
Year 1 White
The children looked at past and current technological machines, com- puters etc. They then looked at possible futuristic inventions and drew and labelled inventions they think might eventuate: flying cars, a float- ing house, a portal machine, houses on the moon and even a candy house!
Year 4/5
The children created a picture graph and column graph using M and M’s. They also used Excel to create digital graphs.
Year 2 Orange and Year 4
The children engineered a sturdy structure made from raw spaghetti and marshmallows.
Year 2 Aqua and Year 5
The children used recycled materials to create musical instruments. A vast array of amazing instruments were made, ranging from drums to pan pipes to kazoos!
Year 1 Purple and Year 6
For STEM week, Year 1 Purple and Year 6 made circuits and have been creating a narrative using puppets and Book Creator which will also tie in with Book Week.