News from the Principal – 21 September 2021

Dear Parents, Students and Community Members

Term 3 concludes on Friday 24 September and Term 4 resumes for students on TUESDAY 12 OCTOBER. The staff will be involved in a School Development Day on Monday 11 October that includes re- viewing what has occurred for students at Lake Monger Primary School in 2021 and planning accordingly for 2022. Term 4 concludes for students on Thursday 16 December.

Term 3 has been very successful with much achieved. There were many highlights throughout term with the most notable being the Wanjoo incursion, the Water Supply incursion, the celebration of NAI- DOC Week, STEM Week and Book Week, the Student Council run games club, the Thinkers Club, KABOOM incursion, SEDA Football clinics, the Kindergarten Worm Farm incursion, Jeans for Genes Day, the Faction Athletic carnival and Interschool Athletic Carnival includ- ing jumps, throws and long distance running, State Schools Cross Country event, Town of Cambridge Art Awards and Safety House day. Still to come is the Peace Pole assembly, Book Fair, Parent Night and the Year 1 Purple assembly.

The Term 4 planner accompanies this newsletter. Parents, students and community members are asked to report any suspicious activity on the school grounds to School Watch on 1800 177 777 or School Security on 9264 4771.


To assist the school with planning for 2022, it would be appreciated if parents of any children who are currently in Years Pre Primary – 5and are leaving the school at the conclusion of the 2021 school year could please email Ms Tomlinson by Friday 24 September 2021 to advise of this situation.


Parent Night is on Wednesday 22 September. The evening will com- mence at 6:00 pm and conclude at 7:00 pm. All classrooms from Kindergarten – Year 6 will be open during this time. The evening is not a time for parent interviews but rather a time for children to have the opportunity to show their parents their great work. Parents are most welcome to make an interview time with their child’s teacher for a later date. The music room and library will also be open on this night. Please take the opportunity to visit other classrooms. Children must be with their parents at all times during Parent Night. The Book Fair, located in the Conference Room, will be open for sales on Parent Night.