
Connect is a secure online environment developed by the Department of Education for staff, students and parents in public schools.  It will give our teachers a tool to communicate information to you about what is happening in the classroom. 

Once your child starts school, you will receive an email from with your log in details. Once you log in, you have the opportunity to set your password.

You will have access to your child’s class as well as the Lake Monger Primary School Space, where you can stay up to date with what is happening school wide.

We will use Connect to keep you updated with important information.  Notices for things like upcoming events, excursions, classroom activities, photos and stories will be shared on Connect.

The Connect Now app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

If you would like to find out more check out the short video clip on Connect.

Login to CONNECT

•   Download the Connect flyers for you and your child from Connect.