The Lake Monger Primary School Board has endorsed this schedule of Voluntary Contributions and Charges for 2024. The schedule outlines all costs your child might incur throughout the school year.
Please note that the Charges outlined are for the whole year and payment will be spread over the year as incursions or excursions occur.
The total amount of voluntary contributions parents and carers are being asked to pay has been contained within the $60.00 maximum set in the School Education Regulations 2000.
Money collected will be used to supplement school expenditure in areas in the attached document listed. The actual costs per child are shown in the table. While contributions are voluntary the quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes it’s voluntary contribution to the cost of supplementing the funding gained from other sources, including the State and Federal governments. Payment of these voluntary contributions at the beginning of the school year would be appreciated.
Payment can also be made through the book list supplier.
Further information fees and charges are outlined in the following document.
P&C Levy
The P & C levy is $30.00 per student with a maximum of $60.00 per family (with 2 or more children). The levy is to be paid directly to the school and can be paid at the same time as the voluntary contributions. Payments for voluntary contributions and charges can be paid by Direct Deposit:
A/C Name: Lake Monger Primary School
BSB: 066-113
A/C No: 00900272
Reference: Child’s Full Name
EFTPOS facilities are also welcome by visiting the front office.
Voluntary contributions & charges, and P&C Levy can also be paid when you order from the booklist.