Kindergarten 2025 Enrolments are now open.
If your child was born between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021, they are due to commence Kindergarten in 2025.
When is my child due to start school? View the School Years Chart Calculator at the Department of Education website.
Kindergarten to Year 6
Parents are required to complete an Application for Enrolment form for their child before starting at school. Once the Application for Enrolment has been approved and a place confirmed then a WA Public School Student Enrolment Form can be completed. Please note that a copy of the student’s birth certificate, immunisation records and proof of address (proof of address must be a current rates notice or lease agreement) will be required on enrolment.
In order that parents may be contacted readily, please ensure the school retains up-to-date information by notifying the school office of any change of address, telephone number, email address, health details or other relevant information.
Immunisation and school
Children enrolling to school must be up to date with all the scheduled immunisations for their age to be able to attend school. You will need to show your child’s Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement as proof of immunisation.
Getting your child immunised
If you need help to access immunisation services, fill out the following form.
Free vaccinations are available from the following:
Central Immunisation Clinic.
West Perth. Phone: (08) 9321 1312, 8.30am–4.30pm weekdays
Your local immunisation provider.
Contact your GP, community health centre, Aboriginal Medical Service
Your local public health unit